From: ko1@... Date: 2020-06-27T19:12:37+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:98988] [Ruby master Feature#16984] Remove write barrier examption for T_ICLASS Issue #16984 has been updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada). Thank you for great work. This kind of hack can cause BUGs easily. > Private app A's heap size is about 22 MiB compared to B's 250 MiB. Could you measure the memory/objects consumption before and after this patch if it is not difficult? Maybe no problem, but I want to confirm. ---------------------------------------- Feature #16984: Remove write barrier examption for T_ICLASS * Author: alanwu (Alan Wu) * Status: Open * Priority: Normal ---------------------------------------- Consider the following code: ```ruby module M def foo; end def bar; end end class C include M end ``` The object reference graph from running the code looks like this: ``` +---+ +-----+ | M |--------------| foo |-+ +---+ +-----+ | | +-----+ | +----------------| bar | | +-----+ | +-----------+ | | | iclass(M) |---------+ | +-----------+--------------+ ``` Applying the proposed patch, the graph becomes ``` +---+ +--------------+ +-----+ | M |---------| method table |---| foo | +---+ +--------------+ +-----+ +-----------+ | | +-----+ | iclass(M) |---------+ +-----| bar | +-----------+ +-----+ ``` This change has a similar effect on the constant table. In addition to this, T_ICLASS no longer holds a reference to a ivar table. Code that access the ivar table through iclasses are changed to access it through the object from which the iclass was made. This change impacts autoload and class variable lookup. ## Why? The main goal of this change is to make iclasses and modules write barrier protected. At the moment, they are "shady", which means the GC has to do extra work to handle them. In code bases that use modules a lot, iclasses can easily take up a significant portion of the heap and impact GC time. In the old setup, because of the way `M` and `iclass(M)` share the method table, adding a single method to `M` would create multiple edges on the object reference graph. To safely make `M` and `iclass(M)` write barrier protected, one would need to trigger a write barrier for each new edge. This would make the amount of work it takes to add a method a function of the number of times the target module is included. The new setup also factors the edges in the graph. If the number of methods in a module is `M` and the number of times the module is prepended or included is `N`, the old setup had `M * (N+1)` edges. The new setup has `M + N + 1` edges instead. For large enough `M` and `N`, the new setup produces fewer edges. Having fewer edges is better since the GC's work is proportional to the number of edges. ## Impact to GC time I measured the impact to minor GC time with the following steps: - load an application - run `GC::Profile.enable` - allocate 50 million objects - run `` Here is the impact to average minor GC time on various apps: |Application | Before | After | Speedup ratio | |------------------------|---------------|---------|---------------| |CRuby's test-all suite | 2.438ms | 2.289ms | 1.06 | |`rails new` app | 1.911ms | 1.798ms | 1.06 | |Private app A | 5.182ms | 5.168ms | 1.00 | |Private app B | 185.7ms | 107.9ms | 1.72 | Private app A's heap size is about 22 MiB compared to B's 250 MiB. App B boots up about 15% faster with this change. ## Impact to class variable lookup I included a benchmark in the patch to measure the impact to class variable lookup performance. The difference seems negligible. ## Conclusion This change seems to reduce minor GC time for real-world applications. --- Code: Credits to @tenderlovemaking for coming up with the idea for this change. -- Unsubscribe: