From: larskanis@... Date: 2020-08-18T18:14:19+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:99630] [Ruby master Bug#17023] How to prevent String memory to be relocated in ruby-ffi Issue #17023 has been updated by larskanis (Lars Kanis). @tenderlovemaking The issue in FFI is still unsolved. Could you please have a look at the questions above? Or may I open a new issue for discussion? ---------------------------------------- Bug #17023: How to prevent String memory to be relocated in ruby-ffi * Author: larskanis (Lars Kanis) * Status: Closed * Priority: Normal * Assignee: tenderlovemaking (Aaron Patterson) * ruby -v: ruby 2.7.1p83 (2020-03-31 revision a0c7c23c9c) [x86_64-linux] * Backport: 2.5: DONTNEED, 2.6: DONTNEED, 2.7: DONE ---------------------------------------- [ruby-ffi]( allows to pass String objects to C by using the `:string` argument type. This way the string memory returned by `RSTRING_PTR` is passed to the C function. The user has to ensure on Ruby level that the string isn't GC'ed - as long as it is used on C level. That's the contract and this worked with all past ruby versions, but ruby-2.7 introduced `GC.compact`, which can relocate strings to another memory location. This example shows the situation and that the string is relocated although it is still referenced in ruby code: ```ruby File.write "string-relocate.c", <<-EOC static char *g_str; void set(char* str) { g_str = str; } char* get() { return g_str; } EOC system "gcc -shared -fPIC string-relocate.c -o" require 'ffi' class Foo extend FFI::Library ffi_lib File.expand_path('') attach_function :set, [:string], :void attach_function :get, [], :string def initialize(count) proc {} # necessary to trigger relocation a = "a" * count set(a) GC.verify_compaction_references(toward: :empty, double_heap: true) puts "get(#{count}): #{get} (should be: #{a})" end end ``` The output looks like so on ruby-2.7.1: ``` get(23): (should be: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) get(24): aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (should be: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) ``` So using `GC.compact` while a string parameter is in use, both on Ruby and on C level, can cause invalid memory access. How can this prevented? A C extension is expected to use `rb_gc_mark()` in order to pin the VALUE to a memory location. But I couldn't find a way to pin a `VALUE` at the time the argument is passed to the C function, which is the only point in time ruby-ffi has access to it. ---Files-------------------------------- string-relocate.rb (653 Bytes) 0001-Only-marked-objects-should-be-considered-movable.patch (1.23 KB) -- Unsubscribe: <> <>