From: fg@...
Date: 2020-03-03T16:39:51+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:97348] [Ruby master Feature#16670] Reverse order of `expression` in `pattern` for 1-line pattern matching while it's still experimental

Issue #16670 has been updated by decuplet (Nikita Shilnikov).

For the record, both Haskell and OCaml have let expressions. And yes, both have patterns on the left side, just like in F# or Rust.

Feature #16670: Reverse order of `expression` in `pattern` for 1-line pattern matching while it's still experimental

* Author: ttilberg (Tim Tilberg)
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
Currently the 1-line syntax for pattern matching is:

# Usage: <expression> in <pattern>

expression = {
  pattern: "Example"

expression in {pattern: something}
# something => "Example"

Is it technically possible, and desirable to switch the order of this syntax to:

# Usage: <pattern> in <expression>

expression = {
  pattern: "Example"

{pattern: something} in expression
# something => "Example"


Here are my reasons:

- It is more intuitive in English -- we are "finding a pattern in something". Finding "something in a pattern" doesn't seem to make sense.
- Assignment is happening, and this keeps assignment on the left side of the operator which feels more natural.
- It matches existing behavior with the workings of the case statement:

Understanding that a `case` block evaluates each `when` expression using `when_expression === case_expression` makes more consistency with `when_pattern in case_pattern` using the new operator.

case something
when /pattern/

# is equivalent to

/pattern/ === something

# This creates more parity with

case something
in {pattern: x}

# would be equivalent to

{pattern: x} in something

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