From: XrXr@...
Date: 2019-09-26T17:30:53+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:95116] [Ruby master Bug#16178] Numbered parameters: _1 should be the same as |x| and _0 should not exist

Issue #16178 has been updated by alanwu (Alan Wu).

Eregon (Benoit Daloze) wrote:
> Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) wrote:
> > > How would we define the current semantics, without being very complex or confusing?
> > 
> > Beautifully simple:
> > _0 is a single implicit parameter, as in x in { |x| }
> > _1 is the first numbered parameter, as in x in { |x,y,z,etc| }
> That's incomplete, it's much more tricky than that in the now previous semantics:
> `_1` is the first numbered parameter, as in `x` in `{ |x,y,z,etc| }` if there are at least 2 numbered parameters or the first parameter's runtime value is not an Array, otherwise extracts the first argument of the first parameter.

That's still incomplete, since it doesn't explain why `_1` doesn't decompose when used in lambdas. If it always decomposes, it'd be more self consistent.
Anyways, I like the new rule better, since it has less corner cases.

Bug #16178: Numbered parameters: _1 should be the same as |x| and _0 should not exist

* Author: Eregon (Benoit Daloze)
* Status: Closed
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
* Target version: 
* ruby -v: ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-09-24T12:57:54Z master 0e84eecc17) [x86_64-linux]
* Backport: 2.5: UNKNOWN, 2.6: UNKNOWN
Currently on trunk:
array = ["string", 42, [1, 2]] { |x| x * 2 }
# => ["stringstring", 84, [1, 2, 1, 2]] { _1 * 2 }
# => ["stringstring", 84, 2]

Oops, this trivial code just lost data and completely ignored the element class!
This is clearly contrary to intuition and is very dangerous.

Using `_0` instead has the correct behavior but it's clear we use 1-based indexing for numbered parameters,
and it doesn't solve that `_1` has dangerous behavior.

Basically the current behavior is that `_0` is the same as `|x|` and `_1` is the same as `|x,|`.
`|x,|` is almost never used in Ruby, and for good reasons, it just throws away data/information/the class of the object.
Such a dangerous operation should only be done when it's explicit, and the trailing comma in `|x,|` shows that, but `_1` does not.

So let's make `_1` be `|x|` and remove `_0`.

I am going to be harsh, but this discussion has gone too long without any serious written argument for the current behavior:
I believe it's irrational and irresponsible to have `_1` be `|x,|`, it's just going to lead to nasty bugs.

Try to convince me otherwise.
If not, in one week I want to apply this change.

From the discussion in
and in

Some reactions to this behavior in


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