From: duerst@... Date: 2019-09-17T08:49:02+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:94943] [Ruby master Bug#16158] "st" Character Sequence In Regex Look-Behind Causes Illegal Pattern Error When Combined With POSIX Bracket Expressions And Case Insensitivity Flag Issue #16158 has been updated by duerst (Martin D�rst). I've had a hunch, and have now been able to confirm this hunch: The problem must be related to the fact that there is a 'st' ligature (U+FB06) in Unicode. The problem occurs for all the other Latin ligatures just before U+FB06, i.e. for 'ff', 'fi', 'fl', 'ffi' 'ffl', long s with t, and st. It also occurs for the components of the Armenian ligatures just following, e.g. ``` $ ruby -ve 'pat = /(? pat = /(? pat = /(?i)(? pat = /(? pat = /((? /((? pat = /((? /((? pat = /((? /((? pat = /(? /(? pat = /(? /(?