From: kimmo.lehto@...
Date: 2019-06-14T07:30:34+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:93132] [Ruby trunk Feature#15899] String#before and	String#after

Issue #15899 has been updated by kke (Kimmo Lehto).

How about `first` and `last`?

'hello world'.first(2)
 => 'he'
'hello world'.last(2)
 => 'ld'
'hello world'.first
 => 'h'
'hello world'.last
 => 'd'
'hello world'.first(1, ' ')
 => 'hello'
'hello world'.last(1, ' ')
 => 'world'
'application/json; charset=utf-8'.first(1, ';')
 => 'application/json'

Feature #15899: String#before and String#after

* Author: kke (Kimmo Lehto)
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Target version: 
There  seems to be no methods for getting a substring before or after a marker.

Too often I see and have to resort to variations of:

``` ruby
str[/(.+?);/, 1]
substr, _ = str.split(';', 2)
str.sub(/.*;/, '')

These create intermediate objects or/and are ugly.

The `String#delete_suffix` and `String#delete_prefix` do not accept regexps and thus only can be used if you first figure out the full prefix or suffix.

For this reason, I suggest something like:

``` ruby
> str = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
> str.before(';')
=> "application/json"
> str.after(';')
=> " charset=utf-8"

What should happen if the marker isn't found? In my opinion, `before` should return the full string and `after` an empty string. 


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