From: naruse@...
Date: 2019-01-10T04:29:15+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:90965] [Ruby trunk Feature#14444][Feedback] MatchData:	alias for #[]

Issue #14444 has been updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE).

Status changed from Open to Feedback

Following is better

next_page = response.dig('meta', 'pagination', 'next')&.slice(/&page=(\d+)/, 1)

Feature #14444: MatchData: alias for #[]

* Author: zverok (Victor Shepelev)
* Status: Feedback
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Target version: 
After introduction of safe navigation operator and other latest features, it could be pretty idiomatic to do this:

next_page = response.dig('meta', 'pagination', 'next')&.match(/&page=(\d+)/)&.[](1)

The ugly thing here is, obviously, `&.[](1)`. When dealing with other classes we can use `dig(one_key)` or `at(index)` for arrays, but for `MatchData` there are no good synonym/alias.

Two options come to mind:

* `&.capture(1)` ��� singular from "captures"
* `&.at(1)` ��� like it is in Array, from which MatchData already borrows `values_at`

Yes, several `&.` in a row could be said a code smell and example may feel a bit extreme.

But for simple matches, the principle stays the same: "match something and extract if matched" otherwise should be written in much less readable code like this:

if url =~ /&page=(\d+)/
  next_page = Regexp.last_match[1]
# or
if (m = url.match(/&page=(\d+)/))
  next_page = m[1]

# this seems the most reasonable syntax anyways:
next_page = url.match(/&page=(\d+)/)&.at(1)


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