From: manga.osyo@...
Date: 2018-08-11T01:49:24+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:88444] [Ruby trunk Feature#14609] `Kernel#p` without	args shows the receiver

Issue #14609 has been updated by osyo (manga osyo).

Good proposal.
This can solve the following problem.

# NG: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}'
p { name: "homu", age: 14 }

# OK:
{ name: "homu", age: 14 }.p
# => {:name=>"homu", :age=>14}

Feature #14609: `Kernel#p` without args shows the receiver

* Author: ko1 (Koichi Sasada)
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto)
* Target version: 2.6
# Abstract

`Kernel#p(obj)` prints obj as `inspect`ed.
How about to show the receiver if an argument is not given?

# Background

We recently introduce `yield_self` which encourages block chain.
Quoted from this article, we can write method chain with blocks:

  .yield_self { |url| Faraday.get(url) }.body
  .yield_self { |response| JSON.parse(response) }
  .dig('object', 'id')
  .yield_self { |id| id || '<undefined>' }
  .yield_self { |id| "server:#{id}" }

There is a small problem at debugging.
If we want to see the middle values in method/block chain, we need to insert `tap{|e| p e}`.

With above example,

  .yield_self { |url| Faraday.get(url) }.body
  .yield_self { |response| JSON.parse(response) }.tap{|e| p e} # debug print
  .dig('object', 'id')
  .yield_self { |id| id || '<undefined>' }.tap{|e| p e} # debug print
  .yield_self { |id| "server:#{id}" }

# Proposal

`obj.p` shows same as `p(obj)`.

We can replace
  `block{...}.tap{|e| p e}`

For above example, we can simply add `.p` at the end of line:

  .yield_self { |url| Faraday.get(url) }.body
  .yield_self { |response| JSON.parse(response) }.p # debug print
  .dig('object', 'id')
  .yield_self { |id| id || '<undefined>' }.p # debug print
  .yield_self { |id| "server:#{id}" }

# Compatibility issue

(1) Shorthand for `nil`

This spec change can introduce compatibility issue because `p` returns `nil` and do not output anything.
That is to say, `p` is shorthand of `nil`. Some code-golfers use it.

Maybe we can ignore them :p

(2) make public method

`Kernel#p` is private method, so if we typo `obj.x` to `obj.p` (not sure how it is feasible), it will be `NoMethodError` because of visibility.
We need to change this behavior.

# Note

## Past proposal and discussion

Endoh-san proposed same idea 10+ years ago [ruby-dev:29736] in Japanese.
I think we should revisit this idea because of `yield_self` introduction.

At this thread, Matz said "simple `p` shows `p(self)`, it is not clear".



���������������������������(p self���������������������������)



English translation:

What the behavior of (I feel strange that it is similar to `p(self)`):


What happen on


## pp

If this proposal is accepted, we also need to change `pp` behavior.

## gems

`tapp` method is provided by gem. 

I'd thought to propose this method into core. But I found that `p` is more shorter than `tapp`.
Disadvantage is `p` is too short and difficult to grep.


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