From: richard.schneeman@...
Date: 2018-03-20T17:30:45+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:86232] [Ruby trunk Feature#13383] [PATCH]	Module#source_location

Issue #13383 has been updated by schneems (Richard Schneeman).

What is the status of this proposal? I think this feature would be very nice for debugging. If being able to show all the locations of where the class is defined is not possible, I think pointing to the last location would be the most useful for me.

Feature #13383: [PATCH] Module#source_location

* Author: koba789 (Hidekazu Kobayashi)
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Target version: 
# Abstract

It can inspect where the module or class is defined.

# Background

In debugging or development an application, I usually want to find out where the class definition of using library.
There is Method#source_location but I could not find **Class** easily.

# Implementation

In Github:


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