From: jzakiya@...
Date: 2018-01-24T03:34:01+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:85022] [Ruby trunk Feature#14383] Making prime_division in prime.rb Ruby 3 ready.

Issue #14383 has been updated by jzakiya (Jabari Zakiya).

Well, I did say "serious" math, didn't I.

2.5.0 :097 > 2**256 
 => 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936

2.5.0 :099 > n = 2**256 + 1; tm{ pp n.factors }          
[[1238926361552897, 1],
 [93461639715357977769163558199606896584051237541638188580280321, 1]]
 => 11.187528889

2.5.0 :103 > n = 2**256 + 6; tm{ pp n.factors }
[[2, 1],
 [9663703905367, 1],
 [5991082217089035545953414273093775102416031327093273407023490613, 1]]
 => 181.896643599

2.5.0 :105 > n = 2**256 + 7; tm{ pp n.factors }
[[92243, 1],
 [14633710594132193, 1],
 [39071613028785859, 1],
 [2195480924803008082289717129761953851423, 1]]
 => 86.285821283

2.5.0 :107 > n = 2**256 + 8; tm{ pp n.factors }
[[2, 3],
 [3, 1],
 [683, 1],
 [4049, 1],
 [85009, 1],
 [2796203, 1],
 [31797547, 1],
 [81776791273, 1],
 [2822551529460330847604262086149015242689, 1]]
 => 210.062944465

2.5.0 :109 > n = 2**256 + 9; tm{ pp n.factors }
[[5, 1],
 [37181, 1],
 [210150995838577, 1],
 [2963851002430239530676411809410149856603062505748058817897, 1]]
 => 8.70362184

Feature #14383: Making prime_division in prime.rb Ruby 3 ready.

* Author: jzakiya (Jabari Zakiya)
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Target version: 
I have been running old code in Ruby 2.5.0 (released 2017.12.25) to check for
speed and compatibility. I still see the codebase in `prime.rb` hardly has
changed at all (except for replacing `Math.sqrt` with `Integer.sqrt`).

To achieve the Ruby 3 goal to make it at least three times faster than Ruby 2
there are three general areas where Ruby improvements can occur.

* increase the speed of its implementation at the machine level
* rewrite its existing codebase in a more efficient|faster manner
* use faster algorithms to implement routines and functions

I want to suggest how to address the later two ways to improve performance of
specifically the `prime_division` method in the `prime.rb` library.

I've raised and made suggestions to some of these issues here
 [ruby-issues forum]( and now hope to invigorate additional discussion.

Hopefully with the release of 2.5.0, and Ruby 3 conceptually closer to reality,
more consideration will be given to coding and algorithmic improvements to
increase its performance too.

**Mathematical correctness**

First I'd like to raise what I consider *math bugs* in `prime_division`, in how
it handles `0` and `-1` inputs.

> -1.prime_division
 => [[-1,1]]

> 0.prime_division
Traceback (most recent call last):
        4: from /home/jzakiya/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.0/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
        3: from (irb):85
        2: from /home/jzakiya/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/prime.rb:30:in `prime_division'
        1: from /home/jzakiya/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/prime.rb:203:in `prime_division'
ZeroDivisionError (ZeroDivisionError)
First, `0` is a perfectly respectable integer, and is non-prime, so its output should be `[]`, 
an empty array to denote it has no prime factors. The existing behavior is solely a matter of 
`prime_division`'s' implementation, and does not take this mathematical reality into account.

The output for `-1` is also mathematically wrong because `1` is also non-prime (and correctly 
returns `[]`), well then mathematically so should `-1`.  Thus, `prime_division` treats `-1` as 
a new prime number, and factorization, that has no mathematical basis.  Thus, for mathematical 
correctness and consistency `-1` and `0` should both return `[]`, as none have prime factors.

> -1.prime_division
 => []

> 0.prime_division
 => []

> 1.prime_division
 => []
There's a very simple one-line fix to `prime_division` to do this:

# prime.rb

class Prime

  def prime_division(value, generator =
    -- raise ZeroDivisionError if value == 0
    ++ return [] if (value.abs | 1) == 1

**Simple Code and Algorithmic Improvements**

As stated above, besides the machine implementation improvements, the other
areas of performance improvements will come from coding rewrites and better
algorithms. Below is the coding of `prime_division`. This coding has existed at
least since Ruby 2.0 (the farthest I've gone back).

# prime.rb

class Integer

  # Returns the factorization of +self+.
  # See Prime#prime_division for more details.
  def prime_division(generator =
    Prime.prime_division(self, generator)


class Prime

  def prime_division(value, generator =
    raise ZeroDivisionError if value == 0
    if value < 0
      value = -value
      pv = [[-1, 1]]
      pv = []
    generator.each do |prime|
      count = 0
      while (value1, mod = value.divmod(prime)
             mod) == 0
        value = value1
        count += 1
      if count != 0
        pv.push [prime, count]
      break if value1 <= prime
    if value > 1
      pv.push [value, 1]


This can be rewritten in more modern and idiomatic Ruby, to become much shorter
and easier to understand.

require 'prime.rb'

class Integer
  def prime_division1(generator =
    Prime.prime_division1(self, generator)

class Prime

  def prime_division1(value, generator =
    # raise ZeroDivisionError if value == 0
    return [] if (value.abs | 1) == 1
    pv = value < 0 ? [[-1, 1]] : []
    value = value.abs
    generator.each do |prime|
      count = 0
      while (value1, mod = value.divmod(prime); mod) == 0
        value = value1
        count += 1
      pv.push [prime, count] unless count == 0
      break if prime > value1
    pv.push [value, 1] if value > 1                 

By merely rewriting it we get smaller|concise code, that's easier to understand,
which is slightly faster. A *triple win!* Just paste the above code into a 2.5.0
terminal session, and run the benchmarks below.

def tm;; yield; end

 n = 500_000_000_000_000_000_008_244_213; tm{ pp n.prime_division }
[[3623, 1], [61283, 1], [352117631, 1], [6395490847, 1]]
 => 27.02951016

 n = 500_000_000_000_000_000_008_244_213; tm{ pp n.prime_division1 }
[[3623, 1], [61283, 1], [352117631, 1], [6395490847, 1]]
 => 25.959149721
Again, we get a *triple win* to this old codebase by merely rewriting it. It can
be made 3x faster by leveraging the `prime?` method from the `OpenSSL` library to
perform a more efficient|faster factoring algorithm, and implementation.

require 'prime.rb'
require 'openssl'

class Integer

  def prime_division2(generator =
    return [] if (self.abs | 1) == 1
    pv = self < 0 ? [-1] : []
    value = self.abs
    prime =
    until or value == 1
      while prime
        (pv << prime; value /= prime; break) if value % prime == 0
        prime =
    pv << value if value > 1
    pv.group_by {|prm| prm }.map{|prm, exp| [prm, exp.size] }

Here we're making much better use of Ruby idioms and libraries (`enumerable` and
`openssl`), leading to a much greater performance increase. A bigger *triple win*.
Pasting this code into a 2.5.0 terminal session gives the following results.

# Hardware: System76 laptop; I7 cpu @ 3.5GHz, 64-bit Linux

def tm;; yield; end

 n = 500_000_000_000_000_000_008_244_213; tm{ pp n.prime_division }
[[3623, 1], [61283, 1], [352117631, 1], [6395490847, 1]]
 => 27.02951016

 n = 500_000_000_000_000_000_008_244_213; tm{ pp n.prime_division1 }
[[3623, 1], [61283, 1], [352117631, 1], [6395490847, 1]]
 => 25.959149721

 n = 500_000_000_000_000_000_008_244_213; tm{ pp n.prime_division2 }
[[3623, 1], [61283, 1], [352117631, 1], [6395490847, 1]]
 => 9.39650374
`prime_division2` is much more usable for significantly larger numbers and use
cases than `prime_division`. I can even do multiple times better than this, if
you review the above cited forum thread.

My emphasis here is to show there are a lot of possible *low hanging fruit*
performance gains ripe for the picking to achieve Ruby 3 performance goals, if we
look (at minimum) for simpler|better code rewrites, and then algorithmic upgrades.

So the question is, are the devs willing to upgrade the codebase to provide the
demonstrated performance increases shown here for `prime_division`?


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