From: hanmac@...
Date: 2017-11-30T14:39:50+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:84007] [Ruby trunk Feature#14145] Proposal: Better	Method#inspect

Issue #14145 has been updated by Hanmac (Hans Mackowiak).

@zverok some changes for your code: 
use Method#owner to get the class/module where the method is defined
that can make a difference for Singleton methods on a non-module object


i think this change would be okay, but i am indifferent about the C-level funtions

for my bindings i do overload the methods depending on the type and amount of parameters
no need to show more of the code but this is the documenation block

~~~ cpp
 * call-seq:
 *   contains?(x, y) -> bool
 *   contains?(point) -> bool
 *   contains?(rect) -> bool
 * return true if the point or the rect is (not strictly) inside this rect
 * ===Arguments
 * * x and y are Integer
 * * pos is a WX::Point
 * * rect is a WX::Rect
 * ===Return value
 * bool

as you guys can see there are different cases,
because how ruby defines methods and use rb_scan_args,

my function returns parameters also just [:rest]

for most Ruby C-Api functions, there might be a way to make parameters return something useful,
but that's probably not the case for all functions

Feature #14145: Proposal: Better Method#inspect

* Author: zverok (Victor Shepelev)
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* Target version: 
The idea: When investigating (in example scripts, debugger or console) the library you are unfamiliar with, Ruby's reflection is very useful mechanism to understand "what it can": classes, modules, their constants, methods and so on.
I propose to expose a bit more information Ruby has internally in `Method#inspect`:

# before:
some_interesting_object.method(:foo) # => #<Method Klass#foo>
# after:
some_interesting_object.method(:foo) # => #<Method Klass#foo(first_arg, *other_args, keyword_arg:)>

Dead-naive implementation:

class Method
  def signature
    recv = case receiver
    when Module
    end { |(type, name), i|
      case type
      when :req then "#{name || "param#{i+1}"}"
      when :opt then "#{name || "param#{i+1}"} = <default>"
      when :keyreq then "#{name || "kw#{i+1}"}:"
      when :key then "#{name || "kwparam#{i+1}"}: <default>"
      when :rest then "*#{name || "rest"}"
      when :keyrest then "**#{name || "kwrest"}"
    }.join(', ').prepend("#{recv}#{name}(") << ")"

  def inspect
    "#<#{} #{signature}>"


This works "sub-optimal" for methods implemented in C, yet pretty decently for Ruby-implemented methods:

# C method, default param names
# => #<Method Array#at(param1)>

# Ruby method, proper param names
# => #<Method CGI.escape(string)>
# => #<Method Addressable::URI.parse(uri)>
 => #<Method Addressable::URI.join(*uris)>

# We can't extract default values, but at least we can say they are there
# => #<Method Addressable::URI.heuristic_parse(uri, hints = <default>)>

If the proposal is accepted, I am ready to implement it properly in C (for all callable objects: `Method`, `UnboundMethod`, `Proc`)


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