From: knu@... Date: 2017-10-06T08:09:03+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:83152] [Ruby trunk Feature#12115] Add Symbol#call to allow to_proc shorthand with arguments Issue #12115 has been updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA). I think `&[symbol, *args]` can be a natural extension to `&symbol`, as they are both a shorthand for `{ |_| _.__send__(*object) }`. For Array to provide #to_proc would be just a little bit weird convention for greater convenience, just as Symbol#to_proc is. Symbol had been in no way a function-like entity, but once Symbol#to_proc was added we almost instantly grew used to it and now we all take it for granted because being able to `map(&:to_s)` is so handy and useful. The original proposal that is to introduce a new syntax is a bit too costly for one of the most frequently wanted features like this because it takes years of time before everyone can start using it. On the other hand, adding Array#to_proc is easily backportable and you can start using it today. FWIW, Matz once said he was not in favor of extending the syntax just for this: (written in Japanese, try Google translate) I've done some more googling and it turned out that Array#to_proc was not a new idea at all. - - (written in Japanese) - (written in Japanese) - (J��rg, I found you there!) So, these people independently have reached the same idea! Isn't that a good sign? ---------------------------------------- Feature #12115: Add Symbol#call to allow to_proc shorthand with arguments * Author: felixbuenemann (Felix B��nemann) * Status: Open * Priority: Normal * Assignee: * Target version: ---------------------------------------- I am a great fan of the `Symbol#to_proc` shorthand when mapping or reducing collections: ```ruby [1,2,16].map(&:to_s) => ["1", "2", "16"] [1,2,16].reduce(&:*) => 32 ``` I often wish it would be possible to pass an argument to the method when doing this, which currently requires a block and is more verbose: ```ruby [1,2,16].map { |n| n.to_s(16) } => ["1", "2", "10"] # active_support example {id: 1, parent_id: nil}.as_json.transform_keys { |k| k.camelize :lower }.to_json => '{"id":1,"parentId":null}' ``` It would be much shorter, if ruby allowed this: ```ruby [1,2,16].map(&:to_s.(16)) => ["1", "2", "10"] # active_support example {id: 1, parent_id: nil}.as_json.transform_keys(&:camelize.(:lower)).to_json => '{"id":1,"parentId":null}' ``` This can be implemented easily, by adding the `Symbol#call` method: ```ruby class Symbol def call(*args, &block) ->(caller, *rest) { caller.send(self, *rest, *args, &block) } end end ``` *Source*: [stackoverflow: Can you supply arguments to the map(&:method) syntax in Ruby?]( **I think this is a rather common use case, so I propose to add `Symbol#call` to the Ruby standard library.** -- Unsubscribe: