From: m-guelker@...
Date: 2017-03-28T16:55:56+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:80432] [Ruby trunk Misc#13329] Creating a German ruby mailinglist on

Issue #13329 has been updated by Quintus (Marvin G��lker).

> I'm ok to create German mailing list on 

Great! Thank you very much!

> Can you give the address list for initial members?

I have just sent you a list of the current moderators of the German Ruby forum with email addresses. These people should receive configuration/moderation access on the new list.

Again, thank you!

Misc #13329: Creating a German ruby mailinglist on

* Author: Quintus (Marvin G��lker)
* Status: Assigned
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: hsbt (Hiroshi SHIBATA)
Hi everyone,

I have emailed and opened [a ticket on the website's GitHub repo]( without a reply, so I'll try it here again. The main German Ruby forum [goes out of service due to lack of someone willing to do the maintenance administration]( and we're discussing switching to a mailinglist which causes much less maintenance effort than a phpBB forum or generally any web forum software. There are ruby-talk, ruby-list, and ruby-fr (amongst others) [hosted on already](, so I think it is natural to ask whether it's possible to add a ruby-de list to and give the configuration privileges to the existing moderators of the German ruby forum (FYI, I am one of them).

Since the concern has been voiced whether it's likely to get a spam problem, I'd like to ask whether anti-spam efforts are made for the lists on As a subscriber of Ruby-Talk I have rarely seen spam on the list, but it is good to know anyway.

[I have been told]( that the mailinglist infrastructure falls into shugo's responsibility, so I assign this ticket to him.

Any reply, positive or negative, is appreciated.


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