From: mtsmfm@... Date: 2017-01-08T11:50:36+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:79013] [Ruby trunk Bug#13115] `YAML.dump` outputs deperecated message even with delegated object Issue #13115 has been reported by Fumiaki Matsushima. ---------------------------------------- Bug #13115: `YAML.dump` outputs deperecated message even with delegated object * Author: Fumiaki Matsushima * Status: Open * Priority: Normal * Assignee: * Target version: * ruby -v: ruby 2.4.0p0 (2016-12-24 revision 57164) [x86_64-linux] * Backport: 2.2: UNKNOWN, 2.3: UNKNOWN, 2.4: UNKNOWN ---------------------------------------- `YAML.dump` outputs deprecated message if it calls with delegated object but doesn't with inherited object: ~~~ ruby require 'yaml' require 'delegate' $VERBOSE = true class Delegated < DelegateClass(Object) def initialize super( end end puts 'YAML.dump(' YAML.dump( class Inherited < Object end puts 'YAML.dump(' YAML.dump( # $ ruby test.rb # YAML.dump( # implementing to_yaml is deprecated, please implement "encode_with" # YAML.dump( ~~~ Is this intentional? -- Unsubscribe: <> <>