From: shevegen@...
Date: 2016-11-27T22:23:59+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:78395] [Ruby trunk Feature#12973] [RFC] net/http: use require_relative to reduce syscalls

Issue #12973 has been updated by Robert A. Heiler.

I have no particular pro or con opinion, not that it would be relevant anyway - but I am watching this closely out of interest what others have to say. :)

Feature #12973: [RFC] net/http: use require_relative to reduce syscalls

* Author: Eric Wong
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
require_relative speeds up loading of files by reducing path
lookups.  On a clean install with RubyGems-enabled,
"ruby -rnet/http -e exit" shows a reduction in failed open(2)
syscalls from 410 to 350 (x86-64 GNU/Linux).

I could not measure a time difference on my Linux-based
machines, however this should be noticeable to users of other
kernels with worse syscall and VFS performance than Linux.

Further use of require_relative will reduce lookups in other


Ideally, I'd like to get all of stdlib using require_relative.
Syscall failures annoy me greatly by making strace output noisy.

This is probably more suited for the 2.5 development cycle.

0001-net-http-use-require_relative-to-reduce-syscalls.patch (1.67 KB)


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