From: nobu@... Date: 2016-06-06T04:38:28+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:75854] [CommonRuby Feature#12460] Provide Unicode Version information in a better location that UnicodeNormalize::UNICODE_VERSION Issue #12460 has been updated by Nobuyoshi Nakada. Or `RbConfig::CONFIG['UNICODE_VERSION']`? ---------------------------------------- Feature #12460: Provide Unicode Version information in a better location that UnicodeNormalize::UNICODE_VERSION * Author: Martin D��rst * Status: Open * Priority: Normal * Assignee: ---------------------------------------- Currently, the Unicode version used in a specific version of Ruby is available as ```UnicodeNormalize::UNICODE_VERSION```, ```from lib/unicode_normalize/tables.rb```. It is rather unnatural to have to do ```require 'unicode_normalize/normalize'``` e.g. in ```test/ruby/enc/test_case_comprehensive.rb``` The Unicode version is also available for make, as ```$(UNICODE_VERSION)```. The Unicode version should be available directly in Ruby, e.g. as ```RUBY_UNICODE_VERSION``` or some such. -- Unsubscribe: <> <>