From: shyouhei@... Date: 2016-05-13T06:44:36+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:75483] [Ruby trunk Feature#12275][Open] String unescape Issue #12275 has been updated by Shyouhei Urabe. Status changed from Feedback to Open Thank you. That makes sense to me because String#dump has no corresponding undump method now. ---------------------------------------- Feature #12275: String unescape * Author: Andrew Bolshov * Status: Open * Priority: Normal * Assignee: ---------------------------------------- I think it will be usefull to have function that convert input string as it was written in prime qouted string or in double qouted string. It's part of metaprogramming. Example: ~~~ ruby class String # Create new string like it will be writed in qoutes. Optional argument define type of qouting used: true - prime qoute, false - double qoute. Default is double qoute. def unescape prime = false eval( prime ? "'#{self}'" : "\"#{self}\"" ) end end "\\\t".unescape # => "\t" ~~~ Other requests: Realized -- Unsubscribe: <> <>