From: nagachika00@...
Date: 2016-04-23T17:40:15+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:75154] [Ruby trunk Bug#12271] `Time#to_time` removes	timezone information

Issue #12271 has been updated by Tomoyuki Chikanaga.

Backport changed from 2.1: WONTFIX, 2.2: WONTFIX, 2.3: UNKNOWN to 2.1: WONTFIX, 2.2: WONTFIX, 2.3: WONTFIX

Bug #12271: `Time#to_time` removes timezone information

* Author: Kaneko Yuichiro
* Status: Closed
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
* ruby -v: ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25 revision 53290) 
* Backport: 2.1: WONTFIX, 2.2: WONTFIX, 2.3: WONTFIX
irb(main):001:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> "2.3.0"
irb(main):002:0> require 'date'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> ENV['TZ'] = 'US/Eastern'
=> "US/Eastern"
irb(main):004:0> time =, 2, 21, 10, 11, 12, '+09:00')
=> 2005-02-21 10:11:12 +0900
irb(main):005:0> time.to_time
=> 2005-02-20 20:11:12 -0500

Same as, `Time#to_time` does not use self timezone.
I think it is better to make it to match with `DateTime#to_time` behavior.

time.diff (1.35 KB)


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