From: nobu@...
Date: 2016-04-14T07:21:28+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:74948] [Ruby trunk Feature#12282] Hash#dig! for repeated applications of Hash#fetch

Issue #12282 has been updated by Nobuyoshi Nakada.

Description updated

I'm negative because:

1. This example is wrong.

    places.dig  :countries, :canada, :ontario  # => nil

    It raises a `TypeError`.

2. It feels curious to me that the method with '!' raises an exception whereas the method without '!' doesn't.

Feature #12282: Hash#dig! for repeated applications of Hash#fetch

* Author: Robb Shecter
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
A new feature for your consideration: #dig! which is to #fetch as #dig is to #[]. For me and maybe many others, Hash#fetch is used much more than Hash#[]. And traversing multiple fetches isn't very convenient nor Ruby-like, e.g.: places.fetch(:countries).fetch(:canada).fetch(ontario).

Here's how it would work:

places = { countries: { canada: true } }

places.dig  :countries, :canada  # => true
places.dig! :countries, :canada  # => true

places.dig  :countries, :canada, :ontario  # => nil
places.dig! :countries, :canada, :ontario  # => KeyError: Key not found: :ontario


Here's an implementation and tests:


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