From: fabian_stillhart@...
Date: 2016-03-10T18:00:02+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:74268] [Ruby trunk Feature#12165] Hash#first, Hash#last

Issue #12165 has been reported by Fabian Stillhart.

Feature #12165:  Hash#first, Hash#last

* Author: Fabian Stillhart
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: 
Just run into a simple problem with a colleague and was wondering why there is no Hash#last method?

{a: true, b: false}.last
NoMethodError: undefined method 'last' for {:a=>true, :b=>false}:Hash

Interestingly I while playing arround I found out that the Hash#first method works. But why is it not in the ruby-doc?

{a: true, b: false}.first
=> [:a, true]

I would assume the Hash#last method would work like the Hash#first method:

{a: true, b: false}.last
=> [:b, false]

If I am not wrong the order of a Hash is always the same when calling Hash#each. So wouldn't it make sense to have Hash#last method?

I tested it in Ruby 2.2.4 and Ruby 2.3.0.


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