From: Ruby-Lang@... Date: 2016-01-20T16:41:59+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:72985] [Ruby trunk - Feature #9992] Access Modifiers (Internal Interfaces) Issue #9992 has been updated by J��rg W Mittag. I'm having trouble understanding what you mean by *namespace*. Classes and modules don't belong to namespaces. *Constants* belong to *modules*, but the fact that two classes which may or may not be referenced by two constants which are namespaced in the same module does not imply any sort of relationship whatsoever between either the two classes or one of the classes and the module. Expanding your example a bit: ~~~ruby module Foo; end Baz = Bar = Foo class Foo::Bar def baz puts ���baz��� end internal :baz end class Bar::Qux def baz end end ~~~ Should it work? If not, why? The modules and classes involved are the *exact* same ones as in your example. I mean, what about this: ~~~ruby foo = bar = baz = baz.const_set(:Foo, foo) baz.const_set(:Bar, bar) quux = quux.const_set(:Goobledigook, foo) quux.const_set(:Blahdiblah, bar) baz.send(:remove_const, :Bar) module One; module Two; end end One::Two::Three = quux::Goobledigook ~~~ Okay, now what namespace relations are there? If I now do this: ~~~ruby class One::Two::Three internal def blub; end end ~~~ Am I allowed to call `` from a method in `quux::Blahdiblah`? ---------------------------------------- Feature #9992: Access Modifiers (Internal Interfaces) * Author: Daniel Ferreira * Status: Open * Priority: Normal * Assignee: ---------------------------------------- Hi, I���m would like to discuss with you the concept of Internal Interfaces. Currently ruby offers three access modifiers choices to set methods visibility: - public - protected - private Public methods define what we may call the Public Interface. Private methods are private to the class and its subclasses. Protected methods are public for the subclasses. I would like to work with a new access modifier that would allow the creation of Internal methods. Internal methods would be object methods that could only be called within the namespace. Ex: ~~~ruby module Foo; end class Foo::Bar def baz puts ���baz��� end internal :baz end class Foo::Qux def baz end end ~~~ Is this something that we can think about in a future implementation of ruby? An extra feature that would not break backward compatibility. Cheers, Daniel -- Unsubscribe: