From: hanmac@... Date: 2015-06-30T08:43:27+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:69814] [Ruby trunk - Bug #10594] Numeric#clamp Issue #10594 has been updated by Hans Mackowiak. hm might it be a good idea to have such a function directly in Comparable too? like "x".chomp("a".."e") #=> "e" hm maybe have it a second way to call it with using "x".chomp("a", "e") too similar to Comparable#between? ---------------------------------------- Bug #10594: Numeric#clamp * Author: Chris Johnson * Status: Open * Priority: Normal * Assignee: * ruby -v: 2.1.2 * Backport: 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: UNKNOWN ---------------------------------------- This is basically a re-opening of the feature request of issue#4573 (, which was closed due a naming debate. It seems the standard naming for restricting a number to a specified range is indeed 'clamp'. (1)(2)(3) As such, can we use Yusuke Endoh's original patch with the naming adjustments? If so, I can provide accordingly. Cheers. (1) (2) (3) ---Files-------------------------------- num_clamp.c (427 Bytes) --