From: hanmac@... Date: 2015-04-23T07:45:15+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:68969] [Ruby trunk - Feature #11090] [Open] Enumerable#each_uniq and #each_uniq_by Issue #11090 has been reported by Hans Mackowiak. ---------------------------------------- Feature #11090: Enumerable#each_uniq and #each_uniq_by * Author: Hans Mackowiak * Status: Open * Priority: Low * Assignee: ---------------------------------------- currently if you want to iterate the first uniq elements you either need to call uniq and create a big array or you need to count the elements yourself if you have an Enumerable with an indifferent size (maybe something with cycle or something you cant rewind) calling the Array#uniq method might not what you want. the idea is adding each_uniq which does only iterate though the elements which are not already send (it does count for you) a second each_uniq_by does work similar with chunk and does takes a block using a generated Enumerator IceDragon200 did make the following gist/sample in ruby, it might be written in C later to make it faster/better. [[]] for better view i also added it as attachment. ---Files-------------------------------- each_uniq.rb (830 Bytes) --