From: matz@...
Date: 2014-06-10T08:51:08+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:63055] [ruby-trunk - Feature #9781] [Feedback] Feature Proposal: Method#super_method

Issue #9781 has been updated by Yukihiro Matsumoto.

Status changed from Open to Feedback

Having something like Method/UnboundMethod#super_method for debugging purpose is OK, but

* Is super_method is the right name?  It sounds little bit weird for me.
* I don't like Object#super_method.


Feature #9781: Feature Proposal: Method#super_method

* Author: Richard Schneeman
* Status: Feedback
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: Yukihiro Matsumoto
* Category: core
* Target version: current: 2.2.0

When `super` is called in a method the Ruby VM knows how to find the next ancestor that has that method and call it. It is difficult to do this manually, so I propose we expose this information in Method#super_location.

Ruby Method class ( is returned by calling Object.method and passing in a method name ( This is useful for debugging:

# /tmp/code.rb
class Foo
  def bar

# => ["/tmp/code.rb", 3]

The Object#method allows a ruby developer to easily track the source location of the method and makes debugging very easy. However if the code is being invoked by a call to `super` it is difficult to track down:

# /tmp/code.rb

class BigFoo
  def bar

class Foo < BigFoo
  def bar

In this code sample it is easy to find the method definition inside of Foo but it is very difficult in large projects to find what code exactly `super` is calling. This simple example is easy, but it can be hard when there are many ancestors. Currently if I wanted to find this we can inspect ancestors

Foo.ancestors[1..-1].map do |ancestor|
  next unless ancestor.method_defined?(:bar)

To make this process simpler I am proposing a method on the Method class that would return the result of `super`

It could be called like this:


I believe adding Method#super_method, or exposing this same information somewhere else, could greatly help developers to debug large systems easily.
