From: nobu@... Date: 2014-05-30T06:30:09+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:62852] [ruby-trunk - Bug #9882] Issue with hash string keys Issue #9882 has been updated by Nobuyoshi Nakada. Duplicated by Bug #9883: Different behaviour between `==` and hash key lookup regarding multibyte character fragment added ---------------------------------------- Bug #9882: Issue with hash string keys * Author: Tim Oommen * Status: Closed * Priority: Normal * Assignee: * Category: core * Target version: * ruby -v: 2.1.1p76 * Backport: 2.0.0: REQUIRED, 2.1: REQUIRED ---------------------------------------- I have the following code. In a nutshell i am slicing a string to pull out strings to use as keys in a hash. However when running the following code, I am getting odd results. ~~~ruby context = "Marriott International World���s Most ADMIRED Lodging Company by FORTUNE for 14th yr. via @FortuneMagazine" slice_url = context.slice(105,24) str = "" slice_url == str redirects = {""=>""} redirects.key?(slice_url) redirects.key?(str) ~~~ The `slice_url` and `str` are equal, however when I look for the key in redirects with `slice_url` I get a `nil`, but when setting the string variable manually, I get a match and value. I am not sure if this is an issue with the value returned by the string slice method or an issue with the hash. --