From: nobu@... Date: 2014-05-06T09:32:32+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:62412] [ruby-trunk - Feature #6216] SystemStackError backtraces should not be reduced to one line Issue #6216 has been updated by Nobuyoshi Nakada. Duplicated by Feature #9805: Backtrace for SystemStackError added ---------------------------------------- Feature #6216: SystemStackError backtraces should not be reduced to one line * Author: Hal Brodigan * Status: Assigned * Priority: Normal * Assignee: Koichi Sasada * Category: core * Target version: next minor ---------------------------------------- When debugging "SystemStackError: stack level too deep" exceptions, it is not helpful that the backtrace is reduced to one single line. Most of the time Ruby incorrectly identifies where cycles begin, resulting in an unrelated "file:line" as the backtrace. A more useful behaviour would be to print the last 30 lines of the backtrace, and have the developer identify which "file:line" is causing the cycle. This is similar to how JRuby handles SystemStackError backtraces. ---Files-------------------------------- stack-overflow.patch (630 Bytes) --