From: "thegcat (Felix Schäfer)" <redmine@...>
Date: 2014-01-08T21:11:43+09:00
Subject: [ruby-core:59645] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7742] System encoding	(Windows-1258) is not recognized by Ruby to convert back to UTF-8

Issue #7742 has been updated by thegcat (Felix Sch��fer).

We (((<Planio|URL:>))) are also in need of Windows-1258 to UTF-8 conversion, is there anything we can do to help?
Bug #7742: System encoding (Windows-1258) is not recognized by Ruby to  convert back to UTF-8

Author: Mars (Hong Ha Dang )
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Assignee: duerst (Martin D��rst)
Target version: next minor
ruby -v: 1.9.3

I installed Railsinstaller in win8. After intall complete the screen set to 
> configuration Railsinstaller on cmd (step 2). I give user name: DHH Mars and 
> email: It ran and have following massage: 
> C:/RailsInstaller/scripts/config_check.rb:64:in 'exist?': code converter not 
> found <Windows-1258 to UTF-8> <Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError> from 
> C:/RailsInstaller/scripts/config_check.rb:64:in 'main' 
> C:\Sites> 
