From: "jsc (Justin Collins)" <redmine@...> Date: 2014-01-02T14:00:36+09:00 Subject: [ruby-core:59462] [ruby-trunk - Bug #9342][Open] [PATCH] SizedQueue#clear does not notify waiting threads in Ruby 1.9.3 Issue #9342 has been reported by jsc (Justin Collins). ---------------------------------------- Bug #9342: [PATCH] SizedQueue#clear does not notify waiting threads in Ruby 1.9.3 Author: jsc (Justin Collins) Status: Open Priority: Normal Assignee: Category: Target version: ruby -v: ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-darwin11.4.2] Backport: 1.9.3: UNKNOWN, 2.0.0: UNKNOWN, 2.1: UNKNOWN In Ruby 1.9.3, when SizedQueue#clear is called, it empties the queue but does not notify waiting threads that the queue is empty. This typically leads to deadlock when the queue is full. For example: sq = sq << 1 # Fill queue t1 = do sq << 1 # Attempt to add another item to queue, fail and go to sleep waiting end t2 = do Thread.pass sq.clear end t2.join # Empty queue t1.join # Deadlock, t1 continues to sleep --