From: "tkellen (Tyler Kellen)" <tyler@...>
Date: 2013-04-12T23:27:04+09:00
Subject: [ruby-core:54225] [ruby-trunk - Feature #8181] New flag for strftime that supports adding ordinal suffixes to numbers

Issue #8181 has been updated by tkellen (Tyler Kellen).

naruse (Yui NARUSE) wrote:
> tkellen (Tyler Kellen) wrote:
> > strftime currently supports several flags for formatting the time output, why not this one?
> Ruby's strftime is derived from a C function standardized by ISO C90/POSIX/SUV.
> So it must be careful with adding minor specifier.
> see also

Thanks naruse, I did not know that.  Could you explain what you mean by being careful?
Feature #8181: New flag for strftime that supports adding ordinal suffixes to numbers

Author: tkellen (Tyler Kellen)
Status: Rejected
Priority: Normal
Category: lib
Target version: current: 2.1.0

This is my first issue on the ruby tracker--hopefully I'm asking in the right place?

It would be nice if you could use strftime to generate dates with ordinal suffixes.  I propose the addition of another flag to support this: the @ character.

The intended usage would be:
> Date.parse('2013-03-01').strftime('%B %@d, %Y')
 => "March 1st, 2013"
> Date.parse('2013-03-02').strftime('%B %@d, %Y')
 => "March 2nd, 2013"
> Date.parse('2013-03-03').strftime('%B %@d, %Y')
 => "March 3rd, 2013"


Assuming this would be accepted, I'd be happy to implement the feature.  Could someone tell me how to proceed?
