From: "trans (Thomas Sawyer)" Date: 2013-03-13T02:56:41+09:00 Subject: [ruby-core:53340] [CommonRuby - Feature #7701] Non-optional (required) keyword args Issue #7701 has been updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer). > trans: Modifying what #parameters returns is out of scope for this discussion. It already returns arrays of arrays of symbols, and changing it now would break backward compatibility. Why should be out of scope? If you design to the limitation of what you have then what you get will be likewise limited. It doesn't really matter though. The format of Method#parameter's output doesn't have to change to take into account a required default. I suppose you want something (sadly esoteric) like: def foo(a, b: required); end method(:foo).parameters => [[:req, :a], [:reqkey, :b]] Surely that's possible. But besides all that, you haven't really addressed my points. To say "the original justification for adding required keyword arguments was so you didn't have to put your own error handling everywhere" just begs the question. You shouldn't be doing that either. I think the perceived advantage is rather illusory in real code and more commonly will be detrimental, not beneficial. And I've cited some reasons why I think that is so. ---------------------------------------- Feature #7701: Non-optional (required) keyword args Author: headius (Charles Nutter) Status: Assigned Priority: Normal Assignee: nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) Category: Target version: =begin I would like to see keyword args expanded to include a non-optional form, to force callers to pass in keyword arguments. Currently, we have required, optional, and rest positional args but only optional and rest keyword args. Consistency is one small reason to add required keyword args. They would likely take the form of keyword with no default value: def foo(a:, b:) ... end foo(a: 1, b: 2) # ok foo(a: 1) # ArgumentError Justifications: * Consistency with positional args. A weak justification, I know. * Avoiding a lot of boilerplate code by users wishing to enforce keywords being passed in. Example from tenderlove: def foo(a: raise('pass a'), b: raise('pass b')) * Building a rich API atop keyword args would be easier (i.e. require fewer manual checks) if you could force some keywords to be passed in. Having to check everywhere when you require a keyword argument is unpleasant. * Keyword args already enforces that no *additional* keyword args can be passed (without **), and it seems lopsided to have no way to enforce a minimum set of keyword args. =end --