From: "kazuhiko (Kazuhiko Shiozaki)" <kazuhiko@...>
Date: 2013-02-24T08:07:30+09:00
Subject: [ruby-core:52754] [Backport 200 - Backport #7831] Net::HTTP does not allow users to handle Content-Encoding in responses like 1.x

Issue #7831 has been updated by kazuhiko (Kazuhiko Shiozaki).

> thus decode_content remains in false and the body is not deflated.

oups, "thus decode_content remains in false and the body is not UNCOMPRESSED".
Backport #7831: Net::HTTP does not allow users to handle Content-Encoding in responses like 1.x

Author: drbrain (Eric Hodel)
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: drbrain (Eric Hodel)
Target version: 

I added a feature to always add a feature to always add Accept-Encoding to HTTP requests and always decode HTTP responses with Content-Encoding.

On Ruby 1.9 and older you could handle Content-Encoding for yourself.

Now Ruby always handles Content-Encoding for you, but does not give you a good indicator that this has taken place. In mechanize this leads to an incompatibility as the Content-Length header is not updated from the original value.

This also disallows handling of bad server responses that browsers handle.

The attached patch (upcoming) addresses this by only handling Content-Decoding in a response if the user did not override the Accept-Encoding header.

Since this is an incompatibility I would like this fixed for Ruby 2.0.  Sorry I did not catch it sooner, I was too busy with RubyGems and RDoc.
