From: "naruse (Yui NARUSE)" <naruse@...> Date: 2012-11-27T05:36:01+09:00 Subject: [ruby-core:50179] [ruby-trunk - Feature #6670][Assigned] str.chars.last should be possible Issue #6670 has been updated by naruse (Yui NARUSE). Status changed from Closed to Assigned Assignee changed from knu (Akinori MUSHA) to matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) Now we have Enumerable#size, so we can know whether the last character is available or not by it. So how about changing String#chars to not Array but Enumerator with size and define last method? ---------------------------------------- Feature #6670: str.chars.last should be possible Author: yhara (Yutaka HARA) Status: Assigned Priority: Normal Assignee: matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) Category: core Target version: 2.0.0 =begin Since str.chars returns an Enumerator, we need explicit to_a for some operations: str.chars.to_a.last str.chars.to_a[1,3] But often I forget that and write: str.chars.last str.chars[1,3] Besides that, I feel it is hard to explain why to_a is needed here when I'm writing artilcles for Ruby beginners. Simplest way to achieve this is to make String#chars (also #lines, #bytes and #codepoints) return an Array. Since arrays have most of the methods defined in Enumerator, this will not be a big change. For programs like, you can use each_char instead. =end --