From: "trans (Thomas Sawyer)" <transfire@...>
Date: 2012-11-17T18:54:44+09:00
Subject: [ruby-core:49481] [ruby-trunk - Feature #7322] Add a new operator name  #><  for bit-wise "exclusive or"

Issue #7322 has been updated by trans (Thomas Sawyer).

It might seem like it, but designating a unit is not multiplication.

(({9.81 * m})) actually means (({9.81 * 1 m}))

Implementation wise this approach is a bit messier too. It requires overriding the built-in #* method and adding a slew of type methods to Object (e.g. Object#m).

@stomer Using an argument for the unit power isn't a skeuomorphic ideal. But it might suffice. I need to give it some thought and take a look at the Stick code to make sure. I'll try to do that today and report back. Thanks.

Speaking of a skeuomorphic ideal, do you notice that in general contexts when people give ascii examples of "power" they always use (({^}))? I don't really understand why language designers are so bent on bucking the overwhelming commonality of this choice --all solely to cling to C's tradition of using (({^})) as XOR? How unfortunate. But anyway, I digress.
Feature #7322: Add a new operator name  #><  for bit-wise "exclusive or"

Author: alexeymuranov (Alexey Muranov)
Status: Rejected
Priority: Low
Target version: 

I propose to alias (({Fixnum#^})) and (({Bignum#^})), which stand for bit-wise "exclusive or", with a new operator name (({#><})).

Is it necessary to go along with C, Python, and Mathematica?
According to Wikipedia ( ), the "^" symbol is not used for XOR outside of programming context.

Here are some examples of mathematical notation: (there are also examples in the Wikipedia article).

The Unicode symbol is "���".

If eventually (({Fixnum#^})) as XOR is deprecated, this will liberate this symbol for other uses, for example for all kinds of exponential notations (for me, "a^n" usually means "the n-th power of a").
