From: "headius (Charles Nutter)" <headius@...> Date: 2012-10-13T14:01:37+09:00 Subject: [ruby-core:47957] [ruby-trunk - Bug #7152] Is the order of Module#instance_methods intended to be preserved? Issue #7152 has been updated by headius (Charles Nutter). I vote no! Imposing order upon the method table requires all implementations to use an ordered data structure here where unordered structures might serve better. Also consider that reflective method access on most other platforms does not guarantee any ordering. ---------------------------------------- Bug #7152: Is the order of Module#instance_methods intended to be preserved? Author: hasari (Hiro Asari) Status: Open Priority: Normal Assignee: Category: Target version: ruby -v: ruby 1.9.3p286 (2012-10-12 revision 37165) [x86_64-darwin12.2.0] asks this question: results = do chars = ('A'..'Z').map(&:to_sym).shuffle cls = do chars.each do |chr| define_method(chr) {} end end chars == cls.instance_methods.take(26) end p results.all?{|o|o.equal? true} # => true on MRI --