From: "knu (Akinori MUSHA)" Date: 2012-07-04T16:32:10+09:00 Subject: [ruby-core:46167] [ruby-trunk - Feature #6684] Object#do Issue #6684 has been updated by knu (Akinori MUSHA). =begin I'm afraid (({do})) might be a bit too bold choice for a Kernel method. (DBI has a (({do})) method for example) You can use (({tap})) for now, like (({result = object.tap { |o| break f(o) }})). Speaking of which, I've always felt that it would be nice if (({object.{ ... }})) was a shorthand for (({object.instance_eval { ... }})), but I can't think of a do-end counterpart for that. =end ---------------------------------------- Feature #6684: Object#do Author: merborne (kyo endo) Status: Open Priority: Normal Assignee: Category: Target version: =begin #Object#do This is my first post. ������������������������������������������������������������ Let me propose a new method `Object#do`. ������������������������`Object#do`��������������������� class Object def do(*args, &blk) yield(self, *args) end end `do` encapsulate a sequencial procedure into a block. It makes some temporal variables to be block local and enhance code readability. I might say that `do` is an Object#tap with block result, or is Array#map for one item. `do`������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Object#tap������������Array#map��������������������������������� ##Usage # calculate average and standard deviation for list # # without `do` scores = [56, 87, 49, 75, 90, 63, 65] scores.inject(:+) / scores.size # => 69 avg = scores.inject(:+) / scores.size sigmas = { |n| (avg - n)**2 } sd = Math.sqrt(sigmas.inject(:+) / scores.size) # => 14.247806848775006 # with `do` avg = [56, 87, 49, 75, 90, 63, 65].do { |s| s.inject(:+) / s.size } # => 69 sd = { |s| avg = s.inject(:+) / s.size sigmas = { |n| (avg - n)**2 } Math.sqrt(sigmas.inject(:+) / s.size) } sd # => 14.247806848775006 # create a hash from a set of lists # # without `do` h = Hash[ [:a, :b, :c].zip([1, 2, 3]) ] # => {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3} # with `do` h = [:a, :b, :c].zip([1,2,3]).do { |arr| Hash[arr] } # => {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3} # sum of array using recursion # # without `do` def sum(lst, mem=0) return mem if lst.empty? sum(lst.drop(1), mem+lst.first) end sum [*1..5], 5 # => 20 # or def sum(lst, mem=0) return mem if lst.empty? fst, *tail = lst sum(tail, mem+fst) end # with `do` def sum(lst, mem=0) return mem if lst.empty? { |fst, *tail| sum(tail, mem+fst) } end sum2 [*1..5], 5 # => 20 BasicObject#instance_eval works for the above, but it not appropriate for them. ������������������BasicObject#instance_eval��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Thank you for your consideration. =end --