From: Egor Homakov <homakov@...>
Date: 2012-03-10T05:29:44+09:00
Subject: [ruby-core:43148] [ruby-trunk - Feature #6126][Open] Introduce yes/no constants aliases for true/false

Issue #6126 has been reported by Egor Homakov.

Feature #6126: Introduce yes/no constants aliases for true/false

Author: Egor Homakov
Status: Open
Priority: Normal
Target version: 

I propose to have predefined constants of TrueClass and FalseClass - yes/no accordingly.
1. 'truefalse'.size - 'yesno'.size = 4 (!)
2. much more understandable and reasonable words. Well known by everybody on this planet.
3. would be nice feature to introduce. Object#no? so we could use.
puts 'horay!' unless
but it is very small thing, !will_you_marry_me behaves the same.. nevermind if it doesn't look useful
4. in further releases of ruby we could use them by default and keep true/false only for compatibility e.g.:
[2] pry(main)> true
=> yes

to discuss:
1. how to manage with true-false constants
2. do you like it?

P.S. I hope it is not crazy proposal for Ruby 4.9.3. I believe that ruby is agile enough. thoughts?
