From: Tomoyuki Chikanaga <nagachika00@...> Date: 2011-09-05T17:11:53+09:00 Subject: [ruby-core:39278] [Ruby 1.9 - Backport #5272] Float#round doesn't round big values Issue #5272 has been updated by Tomoyuki Chikanaga. File numeric.c.patch added Attach a tiny patch. It works for me with make test-all. ---------------------------------------- Backport #5272: Float#round doesn't round big values Author: Marc-Andre Lafortune Status: Open Priority: Normal Assignee: Category: Target version: 1.9.3 For large enough values (outside of Fixnum range), Float#round does not round at all but simply truncates: 2.999999999999999e20.round(-20) # => 200000000000000000000 Fixed in trunk, but would be nice to backport for Ruby 1.9.3. --