From: lpogic via ruby-core <ruby-core@...>
Date: 2024-10-03T21:55:16+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:119436] [Ruby master Feature#20770] A *new* pipe operator proposal

Issue #20770 has been updated by lpogic (��ukasz Pomiet��o).

Has 'then' but as a keyword been considered? 
In the basic version it could appear as a 'begin..then..end' block:
``` ruby
value = begin add value, 3 then square it then half it end
It looks like syntax highlighting is ready. 'begin' can be replaced with something else, but then it would be harder to prove such forms:
``` ruby
value = begin value
then add it, 3
then square it
then |v| # optional 'it' name?
  half v
rescue # optional error handling?
  puts "Error"

``` ruby
def foo(value)
  add value, 3
  square it
  half it
The endless (and beginless) version may be more controversial, but if used with caution it could make sense:
``` ruby
value = add value, 3 then square it then half it

Feature #20770: A *new* pipe operator proposal

* Author: AlexandreMagro (Alexandre Magro)
* Status: Open

This is my first contribution here. I have seen previous discussions around introducing a pipe operator, but it seems the community didn't reach a consensus. I would like to revisit this idea with a simpler approach, more of a syntactic sugar that aligns with how other languages implement the pipe operator, but without making significant changes to Ruby's syntax.

Currently, we often write code like this:

value = half(square(add(value, 3)))

We can achieve the same result using the `then` method:

value = value.then { add(_1, 3) }.then { square(_1) }.then { half(_1) }

While `then` helps with readability, we can simplify it further using the proposed pipe operator:

value = add(value, 3) |> square(_1) |> half(_1)

Moreover, with the upcoming `it` feature in Ruby 3.4 (#18980), the code could look even cleaner:

value = add(value, 3) |> square(it) |> half(it)

This proposal uses the anonymous block argument `(_1)`, and with `it`, it simplifies the code without introducing complex syntax changes. It would allow us to achieve the same results as in other languages that support pipe operators, but in a way that feels natural to Ruby, using existing constructs like `then` underneath.

I believe this operator would enhance code readability and maintainability, especially in cases where multiple operations are chained together.

Thank you for considering this proposal!

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