From: "nagachika (Tomoyuki Chikanaga) via ruby-core" <ruby-core@...>
Date: 2024-07-06T06:36:52+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:118462] [Ruby master Bug#20288] `rb_fiber_scheduler_close` exceptions are not handled in `rb_fiber_scheduler_set`.

Issue #20288 has been updated by nagachika (Tomoyuki Chikanaga).

Backport changed from 3.0: REQUIRED, 3.1: REQUIRED, 3.2: REQUIRED, 3.3: DONE to 3.0: REQUIRED, 3.1: REQUIRED, 3.2: DONE, 3.3: DONE

ruby_3_2 commit:89de66dbb0d8454c9d69faa331d6e35f8b315cce merged revision(s) commit:78d9fe69479d32214a52ad7291c3973f1b6b7f6f, commit:04729fe68dceddab045be7324e26c2bb15aa62c7.

Bug #20288: `rb_fiber_scheduler_close` exceptions are not handled in `rb_fiber_scheduler_set`.

* Author: ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
* Status: Closed
* Assignee: ioquatix (Samuel Williams)
* Backport: 3.0: REQUIRED, 3.1: REQUIRED, 3.2: DONE, 3.3: DONE
The code responsible for setting a new scheduler on a thread does not properly handle exceptions raised by `rb_fiber_scheduler_close`. If `rb_fiber_scheduler_close` raised an exception, the assignment `thread->scheduler = scheduler` would not be executed. This leaves the thread in an undefined state because it might still hold a reference to the old scheduler, which was supposed to be closed and replaced.

## Steps to Reproduce:

1. Define a custom fiber scheduler that raises an exception in its close method.
2. Set the custom scheduler on a thread.
3. Attempt to replace the custom scheduler with a different scheduler.
4. Observe that if the close method of the original scheduler raises an exception, the thread's scheduler reference is not updated.

## Proposed Fix:

The use of `rb_ensure` can be introduced to wrap the call to `rb_fiber_scheduler_close` to ensure that, regardless of whether an exception is raised, `thread->scheduler` is set to `Qnil`, and then `thread->scheduler = scheduler` is safely executed to update the thread's scheduler reference.

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