From: "edmz (Ed Mz) via ruby-core" <ruby-core@...>
Date: 2024-01-05T18:09:55+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:116035] [Ruby master Feature#14602] Version of dig that raises error if a key is not present

Issue #14602 has been updated by edmz (Ed Mz).

Following what @mame explained about Matz expectations, I would like to (*humbly*) suggest another option:

* `dig_expected`

(and a my +1 to `dig_strict`)

Feature #14602: Version of dig that raises error if a key is not present

* Author: amcaplan (Ariel Caplan)
* Status: Open
* Priority: Normal
Currently, if I have a hash like this:

~~~ ruby
    :name => {
        :first => "Ariel",
        :last => "Caplan"

and I want to navigate confidently and raise a KeyError if something is missing, I can do:

~~~ ruby

Unfortunately, the length of the name, combined with the need to repeat the method name every time, means most programmers are more likely to do this:

~~~ ruby

which leads to many unexpected errors.

The Hash#dig method made it easy to access methods safely from a nested hash; I'd like to have something similar for access without error protection, and I'd think the most natural name would be Hash#dig!.  It would work like this:

~~~ ruby
hash = {
    :name => {
        :first => "Ariel",
        :last => "Caplan"
hash.dig!(:name, :first) # => Ariel
hash.dig!(:name, :middle) # raises KeyError (key not found: :middle)
hash.dig!(:name, :first, :foo) # raises TypeError (String does not have #dig! method)

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