From: "Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme) via ruby-core" <ruby-core@...> Date: 2023-04-06T12:03:25+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:113151] [Ruby master Feature#19370] Anonymous parameters for blocks? Issue #19370 has been updated by Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme). sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) wrote in #note-4: > I think nested anonymous arguments should be prohibited as with numbered parameters: That's a good idea, but does it mean this would become valid? ```ruby def test proc { |*| p(*) }.call(1) end ``` ---------------------------------------- Feature #19370: Anonymous parameters for blocks? * Author: zverok (Victor Shepelev) * Status: Assigned * Priority: Normal * Assignee: matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) ---------------------------------------- Just to clarify: are anonymous parameters delegation is planned to support in blocks? It would be a nice addition, if it is possible to implement: ```ruby # data in form [request method, URL, params]: [ [:get, '', {q: 'Ruby'}, {'User-Argent': 'Google-Chrome'}], [:post, '', 'body'], # ... ].each { |method, *| request(method.to_s.upcase, *) } ``` ...and at the very least, consistent with what the method definition can have. If they are NOT planned to be implemented, I believe that at least error messages should be made much clearer, because currently, this would happen while running the code above: > no anonymous rest parameter (SyntaxError) I understand the reason (the `request` clause doesn't "see" anonymous parameter of the **block**, and claims that current **method** doesn't have them), but it looks honestly confusing and inconsistent. -- ______________________________________________ ruby-core mailing list -- To unsubscribe send an email to ruby-core info --