From: "nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) via ruby-core" <ruby-core@...>
Date: 2023-04-05T01:43:38+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:113120] [Ruby master Bug#19578] abort() shows stack trace when run within rescue clause

Issue #19578 has been updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada).

Note that broken pipe on STDOUT error message will be shown since ruby 3.0. #14413

Bug #19578: abort() shows stack trace when run within rescue clause

* Author: Dan0042 (Daniel DeLorme)
* Status: Rejected
* Priority: Normal
* Backport: 2.7: UNKNOWN, 3.0: UNKNOWN, 3.1: UNKNOWN, 3.2: UNKNOWN
I sometimes use the pattern `print(str) rescue abort` in order to exit without stack trace when the output of a ruby program is interrupted by SIGPIPE, ex: `./printstuff.rb | head`

It seems that since ruby 2.7 this results in printing the stack trace. This is not the case when using `abort` by itself.

Is this intended? I would expect `abort` to behave much like `exit(1)`, as it always has.

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