From: "jhawthorn (John Hawthorn)" <noreply@...> Date: 2022-07-28T00:15:55+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:109345] [Ruby master Feature#18943] New constant caching instruction: opt_getconstant_path Issue #18943 has been reported by jhawthorn (John Hawthorn). ---------------------------------------- Feature #18943: New constant caching instruction: opt_getconstant_path * Author: jhawthorn (John Hawthorn) * Status: Open * Priority: Normal ---------------------------------------- I'd like to propose the change to the bytecode for constant caching. I've submitted this improvement via pull request at and also attached a patch to this issue. Previously YARV bytecode implemented constant caching by having a pair of instructions, `opt_getinlinecache` and `opt_setinlinecache`, wrapping a series of `getconstant` calls (with `putobject` providing supporting arguments). ``` # old $ ruby --dump=insns -e 'Foo::Bar::Baz' == disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@-e:1 (1,0)-(1,13)> (catch: FALSE) 0000 opt_getinlinecache 17, <is:0> ( 1)[Li] 0003 putobject true 0005 getconstant :Foo 0007 putobject false 0009 getconstant :Bar 0011 putobject false 0013 getconstant :Baz 0015 opt_setinlinecache <is:0> 0017 leave ``` This commit replaces that pattern with a new instruction, `opt_getconstant_path`, handling both getting/setting the inline cache and fetching the constant on a cache miss. This is implemented by storing the full constant path as a null-terminated array of IDs inside of the IC structure. `idNULL` is used to signal an absolute constant reference. ``` # new $ ./miniruby --dump=insns -e '::Foo::Bar::Baz' == disasm: #<ISeq:<main>@-e:1 (1,0)-(1,13)> (catch: FALSE) 0000 opt_getconstant_path <ic:0 ::Foo::Bar::Baz> ( 1)[Li] 0002 leave ``` The motivation for this is that we had increasingly found the need to disassemble the instructions between the `opt_getinlinecache` and `opt_setinlinecache` in order to determine the constant we are fetching, or otherwise store metadata. This disassembly was previously done: * In `opt_setinlinecache`, to register the `IC` against the constant names it is using for granular invalidation. * In `rb_iseq_free`, to unregister the IC from the invalidation table. * In YJIT to find the position of a `opt_getinlinecache` instruction to invalidate it when the cache is populated * In YJIT to register the constant names being used for invalidation. With this change we no longer need disassembly for these (in fact `rb_iseq_each` is now unused and is removed in the PR), as the list of constant names being referenced is held in the `IC`. This should also make it possible to make more optimizations in the future. This may also reduce the size of iseqs, as previously each segment required 32 bytes (assuming 64-bit platform) for each constant segment. This implementation only stores one 8-byte `ID` per-segment . There should be no significant performance difference between this and the previous implementation. Previously `opt_getinlinecache` was a "leaf" instruction, but it included a jump (almost always to a separate cache line). Now `opt_getconstant_path` is a non-leaf (it may raise/autoload/call `const_missing`) but it does not jump. These seem to even out. This also removes a field from the IC structure that was needed by YJIT, but adds the `ID *segments` field, so the size remains the same. ---Files-------------------------------- 0001-New-constant-caching-insn-opt_getconstant_path.patch (61.3 KB) -- Unsubscribe: <> <>