From: "jaruga (Jun Aruga)" <noreply@...> Date: 2022-04-27T12:24:05+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:108414] [Ruby master Misc#18756] make V=1 or Q= for verbose? Issue #18756 has been reported by jaruga (Jun Aruga). ---------------------------------------- Misc #18756: make V=1 or Q= for verbose? * Author: jaruga (Jun Aruga) * Status: Open * Priority: Normal ---------------------------------------- This is a question about `make V=1` and `make Q=`. Seeing the code, it seems `make V=1` is for a kind of official use rather than `make Q=`. However when I tested how to log between `make V=1` and `make Q=` on the latest master `0bab4c4addef3421f8ff1c45564f4a392b860f15`. Against my expectation, the result was that the `Q=` printed more log than `V=1`. I would attach the log files. Is it intentional? ``` autoconf ./configure make Q= 2>&1 | tee make_q.log ``` ``` autoconf ./configure make V=1 2>&1 | tee make_v1.log ``` ``` $ diff make_q.log make_v1.log | head -10 19d18 < compiling ./main.c 21d19 < compiling dmydln.c 23d20 < generating id.h 27d23 < generating miniprelude.c 31d26 < compiling miniinit.c ``` I am trying to find which part prints the ` <file path>` lines to the log. The lines below might be clue. But I am not sure about it so far due to my limitation of understanding `Makefile` syntax. ``` ECHO1 = $(V:1=$n) ``` ``` ECHO1 = $(V:1=$n) ECHO = $(ECHO1:0=@echo) ``` -- Unsubscribe: <> <>