From: nagachika00@...
Date: 2021-03-20T07:31:06+00:00
Subject: [ruby-core:102958] [Ruby master Bug#17731] Integer downflow with	inject/reduce

Issue #17731 has been updated by nagachika (Tomoyuki Chikanaga).

Backport changed from 2.5: REQUIRED, 2.6: REQUIRED, 2.7: REQUIRED, 3.0: REQUIRED to 2.5: REQUIRED, 2.6: REQUIRED, 2.7: DONE, 3.0: REQUIRED

ruby_2_7 364c8595884808315aaec9605bf2423963ed81c0 merged revision(s) a85ed626f18d1014d09fb37eb0a703976c3d2b53.

Bug #17731: Integer downflow with inject/reduce

* Author: gaojun (Jun Gao)
* Status: Closed
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: marcandre (Marc-Andre Lafortune)
* ruby -v: ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x86_64-linux]
* Backport: 2.5: REQUIRED, 2.6: REQUIRED, 2.7: DONE, 3.0: REQUIRED
Test case:
([-2**61-1] * 3).inject(:+)

Expected Result:

Actual Result:

Some clues:
* Downflow seems not happen if there are only two elements in Array
* The sample above works fine in
* [-2305843009213693953,-2305843009213693953,-2305843009213693953].sum  can get the correct result
* ([-2**61] * 3).inject(:+) can get the correct result

Affected Versions:
* ruby 3.0.0p0 (2020-12-25 revision 95aff21468) [x86_64-linux]
* ruby 2.7.2p137 (2020-10-01 revision 5445e04352) [x86_64-linux]
* ruby 2.6.6p146 (2020-03-31 revision 67876) [x86_64-linux]


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