From: manga.osyo@... Date: 2020-12-26T12:56:16+00:00 Subject: [ruby-core:101714] [Ruby master Feature#17471] send_if method for improved conditional chaining Issue #17471 has been updated by osyo (manga osyo). hi. How about using `#tap` + `break` ? ```ruby # Proposal puts number.send_if(:*, 2) {|obj| obj > 5}.send(:-, 1) puts %w(Merry Christmas).send_if(:map, proc: :upcase ) { answer == 'y' }.join(' ') # tap + break puts number.tap { break _1 * 2 if _1 > 5 }.send(:-, 1) puts %w(Merry Christmas).tap { break if answer == 'y' }.join(' ') ``` FYI : Proposal of [[Feature #15829] Object#then_if(condition){}]( ---------------------------------------- Feature #17471: send_if method for improved conditional chaining * Author: ozu (Fabio Pesari) * Status: Open * Priority: Normal ---------------------------------------- # Background Method chaining is very important to many Ruby users, since everything in Ruby is an object. It also allows easier functional programming, because it implements a pipeline where each step can happen without mutation. Conditional chaining allows an even more declarative style of programming. Right now, it is possible to conditionally chain methods to a degree but in some cases it is a bit verbose. # Proposal I propose that a `send_if` method is added, which works roughly like this: ``` ruby # Internal condition puts 'If you give me a number larger than 5, I will double it. I will subtract 1 in any case.' number = gets.chomp.to_i # An implementation without send_if puts (number > 5 ? number.send(:*, 2) : number).send(:-, 1) # Implementation with send_if [1] puts number.send_if(:*, 2) {|obj| obj > 5}.send(:-, 1) # External condition puts 'Do you want a loud Merry Christmas? (y or I take it as a no)' answer = gets.chomp # An implementation without send_if puts %w(Merry Christmas).send(:map, &->(e) {answer == 'y' ? e.upcase : e}).join(' ') # Implementation with send_if [2] puts %w(Merry Christmas).send_if(:map, proc: :upcase ) { answer == 'y' }.join(' ') ``` # Implementation Here is a Ruby implementation (obviously, everything is released under the same license terms as Ruby itself): ```ruby class Object def send_if(method, *args, proc: nil) yield(self) ? self.send(method, *args, &proc) : self end end ``` This implementation works as intended with both examples I posted above. # Evaluation I don't believe `send_if` brings significant performance penalties, compared to the alternatives. I am not 100% satisfied with my implementation in terms of usability, for two reasons: 1. I did not find any stdlib methods which are consistent with the function signature I've specified. More specifically, I don't like the named `proc:` parameter I used, but I couldn't think of a better alternative. Please, tasukete! 2. Ruby does not support multiple blocks, which would be required for my ideal implementation (short of [3], see later): ```ruby puts %w(Merry Christmas).send_if(:map, &:upcase) { answer == 'y' }.join(' ') ``` # Discussion I know for sure there are more skilled Rubyists than myself here who can come up with nicer alternatives to my `send_if` examples, but I think `send_if` would be nice to have because: * The `*_if` family of methods is a staple of the stdlib (e.g. `receive_if`, `delete_if`, `keep_if`, etc.) * In some cases, it decreases the amount of code needed I know my examples could be written without ever using `send` but `send` makes it possible to use any Ruby method (rather than write specific methods like `map_if`, etc.). In the future, some syntactic sugar could be built so that method chaining is even more fluid, without any need for `send`. An example using an `.?{}` operator I just made up: ```ruby # Syntax-level conditional chaining [3] puts %w(Merry Christmas).?{answer == 'y'}map(&:upcase).join(' ') ``` Of course, `{answer == 'y'}` would be a block and this would be equivalent to my example above [2], but without any need for a `send` method (since this operator would apply to all methods). If someone is interested, I can make a separate proposal for this operator, but perhaps it's asking too much :) I'd be happy to discover more elegant solutions and critiques! Merry Christmas to everybody and thanks for reading! -- Unsubscribe: